
We are all called to be the best version of ourselves in service to something greater than ourselves.  As Abraham Maslow said, “What one can be, one must be.”

But we get lost along the way.  We fail to answer the call for any number of reasons.  And in this day and age, a likely contributor is the disorientation and anxiety caused by information overload.

The result is fear, anxiety, wasted time, lack of direction, lack of commitment, lack of discipline, victimhood, unhappiness, lack of focus, etc.

I became a life coach to help people answer this call, find their purpose and find direction.


I help my clients find the answers they seek.  I provide the clarity, direction and tools necessary to flourish and lead more focused, productive and happy lives.

How?  Mainly by showing clients how to put individual strengths and universal virtues into action.  Not constraining puritanical virtues, but the virtues identified by ancient wisdom and confirmed by modern science:

Wisdom, Gratitude, Love, Curiosity, Self-Mastery, Zest, Courage and Hope.

In short, we want to have the Wisdom to know the game we are playing, the Self-Mastery to play it well, the Courage to do what needs to get done whether we feel like it or not, and the Love to remember what it's all about.  Then we have Gratitude to appreciate what we have, the Curiosity to see how we can optimize our life, the Zest to be at our best, and the Hope to see a better future.

Living in integrity with these virtues is my primary philosophy on how to lead a good life.